Qualify as a practitioner
Come and study at a college that is at the forefront of Kinesiology training in Australia. Established for over 20 years, we proudly have the highest number of successful Kinesiology graduates.
Develop a career in Complementary Health that is effective, satisfying and rewarding - with a highly sought-after qualification.
Weekday and weekend courses available
register your interest now!
Leaders in Kinesiology training with proven results. Established in 2000, the college showcases the highest number of successful Kinesiology graduates.
Register your interest here for our upcoming weekday
and weekend courses.
Come and study at a college that is at the forefront of Kinesiology training in Australia. Established for over 20 years, we proudly have the highest number of successful Kinesiology graduates.
Our exclusive Kinesiology and Advanced KP programs offer various levels of proficiency and ongoing support helps you achieve the level you are aiming for, from beginners to advanced master practitioner.
Find out about our Kinesiology and KP courses here. We offer short certificate courses, 12 month Certificate programs and advanced courses for graduates.
Find a Kinesiology Practitioner in your area. We have many excellently trained PKP Kinesiologists in various suburbs around Victoria..
This training program is the best I’ve seen. The structure of teaching creates an optimal environment of learning and discovery, and it is a joy to be a part of something so fantastic. Ed and Rowena and their team are amazing; I am privileged to be a part of something so profound.
We have both been richly rewarded by the experience and have gained valuable practical training at the same time. The classes have been conducted by a truly caring and professional team…enthusing us students. Our class mates have also added to the enjoyment of the course, building trust and confidence in each other as we study and work together. We have personally found the course has enriched our lives in so many ways, giving us many and varied techniques that assist us both in our personal and family life, and our friends are also (already) benefiting from our new skills. Thank you so much.
I am thoroughly enjoying my Kinesiology studies…from knowing very little about the processes involved, I feel I have now progressed so far that I am confident of my knowledge of everything learned…as well as my ability to work with clients as a trained Kinesiology practitioner.
Kinesiology Connection offers the most stimulating atmosphere for anyone considering a career in Kinesiology. The trainers complement each others style, giving an ideal balance in methodology and attitude. They teach beyond the syllabus of the book, leaving students curious to see what’s around the corner. I firmly believe we have chosen the priority Kinesiology modality with the ICPKP training program.
I always knew the answers were there…and Kinesiology is teaching me the language.
I have recently completed an Advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic (ICPKP), at Kinesiology Connection in Hawthorn, Victoria. It was the culmination of almost 5 years of study, and included a Certificate IV (ICPKP) and a Diploma in Kinesiology (International) (ICPKP).
The PKP method that is taught provides a highly practical, hands-on approach which allowed me to start my practice in my first year of study. I decided to continue into the Diploma in Kinesiology as I wanted to expand my expertise and provide more comprehensive services to clients.
After gaining the Dip. Kinesiology (International), I realised how dramatically more effective and comprehensive my kinesiology balances with clients were. I gained a much broader understanding and skill level and thus I became more confident in my practice. I then didn’t hesitate to continue into the new and advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic when it was offered.
I can state with certainty that adding the Kinesiopractic skills has taken my professional practice and client results to a totally new level. Importantly I have had significant personal shifts and life changes in many areas of my life.
I highly recommend the Kinesiopractic level of qualifications to anyone who wants to provide top level service to their clients and to gain the personal development, confidence and satisfaction that comes with it.
I would be happy to speak with anyone who is considering studying Kinesiopractic.
The ICPKP program presents information in a format that makes sure you know the material inside and out. I know that all the techniques I have been taught, I know thoroughly and my confidence as a Kinesiology practitioner has therefore increased dramatically. So much so that I am only part way through the course and I have opened a home based business. An excellent course that is complemented by the excellent teachers at Kinesiology Connection.
As an Ambulance Officer for 15 years, my life had become one filled with stress, bad memories and fortnightly visits to a chiropractor for chronic back pain. The need for a career change, and not waste my knowledge and experience gained over the years, led me to Kinesiology. I have found the program to be enlightening and satisfying. I have learned a lot about myself and I have regained my confidence and self esteem. I am not completely free of stress, but I am handling it much better. The bad memories are now a thing of the past. I have not been back to the chiropractor since beginning of the course and my back has been pain free for several months. As Kinesiology looks at the 3 aspects of our being, ie. structural, emotional, and chemical, the training has enhanced not only my life, but also the lives of my wife and family. I can recommend the training to anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and their health or to embark on a new exciting career. Kinesiology has changed my life for the better and I know it can do the same for you.
I have learnt a lot about myself through the PKP Kinesiology course and definitely learnt ways to take care of myself and accept myself wholly. And when that happens, the possibilities and opportunities are plentiful. With this attribute, I am able to provide more love and support to my family and friends, attract good energy, and simply see things from an uplifting perspective.And I am also planning to bring in some treats/flowers to show my gratitude to the staff and all the teachers for providing me a wonderful and invaluable year of Kinesiology lessons.
So thank you, thank you, and thank you…
Thank you for the quality and content of the courses that you facilitate. After completing the year 2 subjects this year I am amazed at the skills I have learned and been able to use to assist people with so many musculoskeletal issues. The clients are also thrilled and amazed. Thank you for facilitating these courses in a manner that allows the student to become a competent practitioner so quickly.
I really wish to thank you for your confidence and encouragement, which gave me the desire to continue with the course. I have been doing many balances on family and friends with positive feedback, which in turn has given me the confidence to go on. Thanks again and hope to see you in the future.
Being able to study the Kinesiology course has realised my dream of having a fulfilling career and job that I am passionate about. The course is set out in such a manner that you learn to be a professional from the beginning. It is so rewarding to be able to help people reach their full potential!
Kinesiology has enabled me to improve my life on so many levels…not only did I meet and make friends with an amazing group of teachers and fellow students, but also discovered many processes to enable the body achieve a high level of wellness. I use what I have learnt to enhance my life in all areas, and enjoy watching friends, family and clients enhance their lives through Kinesiology. This truly has been a life changing course for me and if you are attracted to it – I suggest you follow your instincts and go for it. I did and it has been well worth it.
Throughout the year we offer the Introduction to Kinesiology workshop,...
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