Courses Offered
Kinesiology Connection is at the forefront of training in Australia, having had the most successful Kinesiology Graduates for over more than 20 years. We offer an Internationally accredited course as well as advanced and specialised cutting-edge holistic courses exclusively for our graduates.
Level 1 – Wellness Certificate (WC)
The Wellness Certificate (International Certification Program) qualification consists of 6 Kinesiology units and forms the first level of the foundational principles of the International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKPTM). This course can be comfortably completed within 5 months.
To receive this qualification, students will need to complete:
- 6 Kinesiology Units
The Wellness Certificate gives you a solid foundation in Kinesiology techniques that you can use every day. Five units are delivered face to face (2 days for each unit) in our well-equipped classrooms by our internationally qualified trainers and one unit (theory only) is delivered online.
At the beginning of each unit, Class Notes and a Student Assessment Journal (SAJ) are provided. On completion of all SAJ’s & online tests, students will receive the qualification of Certification in High-level Wellness & Vitality Therapy, and you will be on your way to achieving professional success in your healing arts journey with Kinesiology.
For more information on the Wellness Certificate, please click here.
Level 2 – Foundational Professional Program (FPP)
The Foundational Professional Program (Internationally Certification Program) qualification consists of a further 6 Kinesiology units and 1 Kinesiology HSU and completes the first year of the foundational principles of the International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice. At the conclusion of this training, students will become a qualified PKP Kinesiology Practitioner.
To receive this qualification, students will need to complete:
- 6 x Kinesiology Units
- 1 x *Kinesiology Home Study Unit (HSU) – Anatomy and Physiology 1 (A&P1)
- Supervised Student Clinic Experience (SSC) – 50 hrs
- Clinical Practice Client Sessions (CPS)
- Personal Kinesiology Sessions (PKS) – minimum 5
- First Aid & Resuscitation Certificate
*compulsory for students seeking to obtain certification.
**Elective units (non-Kinesiology HSU’s) required to register for membership with the AIK/AKA:
- **Undertake Small Business Planning (BSBSMB404)
- **Establish and Manage Client Practitioner Relationships (CHCCOM006)
All 6 Kinesiology units are delivered face to face in our well-equipped classrooms by our internationally qualified trainers. This course also includes a student practice day and a 1st year practical assessment.
It is a requirement whilst studying this course to provide evidence of attending a minimum of 5 Personal Kinesiology Sessions (PKS) with an approved ICPKP graduate. To find a suitable practitioner, please visit our Practitioner Database here or contact our office on (03) 9819 6835.
At the beginning of each unit, Class Notes and a Student Assessment Journal (SAJ) are provided. On completion of all SAJ’s, online tests and the other requirements listed above in the course summary, students will receive the qualification of International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice.
Completing the units in Level 1 & 2 (Wellness and Foundational) is the entry level requirement to progress onto Level 3 – International Diploma (Int Dip).
*A requirement for certification is the completion of 1 Home Study Unit (HSU) – Anatomy and Physiology 1 (A&P1). Please note that this HSU is *optional and is only compulsory for students seeking to obtain certification.
**Once you have successfully completed the FPP and received certification, students will qualify to apply for membership at either the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd (AIK) or Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. (AKA) and obtain insurance to practice as a registered Kinesiologist.
If you have already successfully completed Kinesiology training, you have the opportunity to apply for RPL (recognised prior learning). Please contact us here to receive further information.
For more information on the Foundational Program, please click here.
Level 3 – International Diploma (INT DIP)
The International Diploma qualification will enhance your skills to an advanced level and on completion of this training you will receive an international accreditation in Kinesiology.
To receive this qualification, students will need to complete:
- 18 Kinesiology Units
- 2 Home Study Units (HSU) – MST302 & CBP-Chemistry, Biochemistry & Pathology
- Supervised Student Clinic (SSC) experience – 50 hrs (in class hours)
- Clinical Practice Client Sessions (CPS) (mentored in class)
- 5 Personal Kinesiology Sessions (PKS) – (recommended only)
- First Aid & Resuscitation Certificate
The course fee is inclusive of all units, HSU’s, Student Clinics, Student Practice Days and a Final Assessment.
All units are delivered face to face in our well-equipped classrooms by our internationally qualified trainers.
It is a recommendation that students attend Personal Kinesiology Sessions (PKS) with an approved ICPKP graduate whilst studying this course. To find a suitable practitioner, please visit our Practitioner Database here or contact our office on (03) 9819 6835.
At the beginning of each unit, Class Notes and a Student Assessment Journal (SAJ) are provided. On completion of all SAJ’s, online tests and the other requirements listed above in the course summary, students will receive the qualification of International Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice.
Throughout the Diploma you will gain practical experience in class activities during every unit, student clinic, and student practice days (optional). All this along with the supervision of your experienced teacher fine tunes your skills so you obtain the best possible results with your clients. Our graduates are amongst the best in the field and become highly sought-after practitioners.
Completing the International Diploma is the entry level requirement to progress onto the Four Integrated Diploma Qualifications to become a Registered Kinesiopractor®.
For more information on the International Diploma, please click here.
Level 4 – International Kinesiopractic® Program
The Four Integrated Diploma Qualifications is the culmination of all the PKP® programs. This is where you become proficient as a master practitioner.
Further education to become a Registered Kinesiopractor® include:
- Diploma of Learning, Metaphysical, Holographic & Vibrational Energies
- Diploma of Energy Psychology
- Diploma of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation & Reintegration
- Diploma of Dietary and Nutritional Science
Please contact us here to receive further information or please contact the college on (03) 9819 6835.
Advanced Workshops/Programs
There are further advanced cutting-edge programs available at Kinesiology Connection. Our Kinesiopractic® programs and advanced ‘Energy Medicine Masterclasses’ are at the forefront of Kinesiology training world-wide.
For example, the Total Body Modification modules are exclusively taught (in Australia) to Kinesiology graduates and practitioners by our college principal, Ed Faust.
Please contact us here to receive further information or please contact the college on (03) 9819 6835.
To register your interest to study at Kinesiology Connection, please complete your details in the form below.